660 Acre Dairy Farm minutes from Manizales- Fab Views and Potential

Departamento de Caldas - Manizales
$ 4.400.000.000


  • Valor: $ 4.400.000.000
  • Region: Departamento de Caldas
  • Localidad: Manizales
  • 2640000 m²


Asking $4.400.000.000 COP = $1.023 million USD at 4300Minutes from Manizales awaits this absolute paradise....one of the most beautiful farms in Colombia...currently used as a dairy farm with all the bells and whistles...price does not include any animals which can be purchased at fair market value.The land is positioned to be repurposed to a higher and more profitable use such as beef cattle, avocados or ecotourism or a mix of all of the above.Seller has priced the farm super low due to health issues...The cost per acre is about $1,550 USD which is insanely low for a farm of this quality.Antonio


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